Andrew Bawidamann

AndrewArtist and designer Andrew Bawidmann’s stylized cheesecake queens turn the WWII-era pin-ups into playful pop-art. Inspired by pin-up masters like Gil Elvgren and George Petty, And bomber art seen at a nearby Air Force museum, this Columbus, Ohio-based artist crafts dames that always bare both killer curves and sharp personalities.

Like their pin-up predecessors of yesteryear, these Lookers can be found on the front lines, on patrol under BDUS, SF schools, and tacked up on the barrack walls.
From time to time, Bawidamann also engages in various ‘shenanigans’ that include tactical product design/branding, knives, military accessories, and other nefarious pursuits.

Andrew Bawidamann is best known as a modern master pin up artist and entrepreneur. Andrews work has broad based appeal from everyone to military enthusiast to science-fiction fantasy fans.
